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Such news spreads people don t care about the truth of the matter as long as they find it fun as long as when he opened his mouth and his upper lip touched his lower lip zhu jingyan s reputation was completely ruined zhu.

People as for the conspiracy he naturally knew that some things could not be decided by zhu jingyan with just one mouth if there was a problem it could not be explained by just a few words if the emperor is really worried.

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the perspective of monarchs and ministers or from personal considerations xu zhizhong they didn t want.

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The top so that people can see them at a glance as a result everyone in the capital knew that zhu jingyan had new pants and no longer had to wear the same ripped pants duoduo looked at the two people fighting and felt.

Crime she immediately asked someone to come in chen qiai was originally the queen s man and he knelt down on one knee as soon as he entered the palace a few days ago the empress asked me to send people to keep an eye on.

Of her confidant s serious troubles zisu went to get after receiving the secret letter she opened it and sent it to the queen your majesty the queen opened the secret letter and read it in detail but then her pupils.

Secret letter to zhu jingyan s mansion when it was intercepted by the officials chen qiai had a smile on his face he had already set his sights on zhu jingyan s position the minister of dali temple is more glorious than the.

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Mr zhu what nonsense mr zhu is a clean and honest official who pleads for the people he even wears out his underpants and continues to wear them how could he commit a crime even if they want to trouble master zhu they have no.

Soon as these words came out zhu jingyan laughed okay we are more courageous yes chen qiai is just a kid not difficult to deal with the queen dared to send this useless person here she looked down upon him so much chen.

Interfere in politics but it is a law of our dynasty if you say that the queen empress sent you to investigate the case of my father collaborating with the enemy and treason doesn t it mean that the queen empress is yin and.

Yang and the hen is in charge of the morning the queen is dignified and dignified and she is self denial and observant of etiquette she absolutely cannot do such a thing that goes against the laws and ethics how dare you.

Zhu jingyan seemed to relax tone he gritted his teeth master zhu said so much not to avoid the search he waved his hand and took out the secret letter that could prove zhu jingyan s collaboration with the enemy and raised.

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Temple if you want but the prerequisite is to let let s search your mansion duo duo took a step forward and before chen qiai could retort he lowered his voice and said master chen s butt must not be clean either this has.

To be done mercifully and it s important to leave a sliver now so that we can meet each other in the future as the commander of the royal forest army master chen wouldn t understand right chen qiai was originally surprised.

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S disrespect but you even threaten this official whose power are you relying on chen qiai s face turned red and white white heart failure and weight loss and red again in the past when he was in front of the empress he was overwhelmed by zhang qian.

Definitely not let you go just wait zhang qian curled his lips into a faint smile with a feeling that he would put life and death aside could commander chen be joking I am loyal to the emperor so how can I talk about.

Betraying the empress commander chen still thinks that the empress she doesn t have the same heart with his majesty she has a ulterior motive and she wants to be the rooster to start the morning chen qiai couldn t blush.

Is he talking everywhere now zhang qian you slander the empress so much aren t you afraid that the empress will punish you he didn t want to continue discussing with zhang qian about the chicken sichen and decided to act.

That this official is slandering the emperor zhang qian spread his hands wronged this is really a big wronged zhang qian turned his head and looked at the people who watched the excitement everyone comment on me I just.

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Letters that zhu jingyan handed over and compared them one by one found it accompanied by the man s joyful cry chen qiai s legs gave way and he would have fallen to the ground if he hadn t been supported by his.

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It heart failure and weight loss be commander chen who collaborated with the enemy and treason that s not right if commander chen himself collaborated with the enemy and treason why did he come to dali temple to search he is not stupid some people.

Came out everyone s attention was attracted what s going on what does it mean the man didn t show off I heard this letter was found from the yard of the third master of the chen family the old lady of the chen family is.

Point the ghost is actually in his own home when it comes to killing the nine clans everyone can t bear it anymore speaking of which commander chen was also tricked by his brothers what can be done commander chen is the.

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Chen qiai up but she still had to find a way to pick herself up come out and find a suitable candidate to take chen qiai s place the imperial forest army guarded the palace and patrolled day and night if it was handed over.

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Find a restaurant a place where people the truth about weight loss gather and spread the word about what happened today zhao zhongliang glanced at the pitifully small pieces of silver in his hand and then at the many shriveled pieces of silver purse.

From his back after returning to his room duoduo frowned what kind of idiot is the royal forest army didn t they all say it so you should be careful when searching it turned so messily that even the bed was moved and the.

Pillows and bedding were thrown on the ground it doesn t matter if you move it out but you don t even move it back for her there is also the teapot on the table even the tea in it was poured on the ground and I don t know.

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Personally now that chi yuan is gone this tea is worth one cup they actually ruined it for her it s really unforgivable many people searched in the drawer for a long time before they found the imperial decree given to her by.

Zhang zhang qian was also worried that he had damaged duoduo so he hurriedly bent down and rubbed duoduo s forehead and used some internal energy to pass through duoduo only felt warm and the pain in his head was relieved a.

His heart dali temple is really having a stress reaction to the palace the biggest consensus reached by everyone is that duoduo must not be allowed to enter the palace again in the previous incident these people are.

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That would be tortured if he betrayed and he could not survive but die it was of his own free will no one else could blame him duoduo didn t understand what zhang qian was hesitating about uncle zhang I m serious you can.

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In divine doctor lu medical skills he can be called a genius doctor medical skills are naturally not a problem he said this to me personally otherwise you think he is a lazy man how could he go up the mountain to collect.

Medicine himself not because the medicine is precious and difficult pick this is true there are people who make a living by collecting medicinal herbs they go to the mountains to collect medicinal herbs dry them when they.

That the herb was extremely precious and uncommon many people believed it then let s wait until divine doctor lu comes back zhang qian felt warm in his heart he thought that even if he died he would never give duoduo to the.

Queen others don t know that he has been with the queen these years and also found something he didn t know why duoduo concluded that the queen would not kill her but zhang qian knew that if she fell into the hands of the.

Queen even if she didn t die her skin would peel off and the most likely thing was that life would be worse than death he is already like this and he absolutely cannot let duo duo end up like this again little did he know.

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Dali temple on the road will say hello even if the people in the carriage don t show their heads when they see the carriage with the dali temple sign everyone hurriedly greets them don t delay the matter of dali temple.

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Other supplies uncle zhang cang xiaowan was stunned zhang qian came to see her zhang qian walked in and gently rubbed the top of cang xiaowan s hair how are you are you feeling uncomfortable anywhere cang xiaowan was so.

Going to die so they trapped her at home and couldn t go to dali temple to play with duoduo fortunately duoduo is a conscientious person and knew to come to see her but she never expected that zhang qian would come with her.

Interaction with cang xiaowan and she was extremely satisfied in her heart I feel more at ease about cangchen s situation in dali temple the two stayed at cang s house for more than an hour until someone came from dali.

This time the other party did not hesitate to kill her on the street in order to kidnap duo duo away poison she couldn t imagine what would happen to duoduo after being kidnapped by that vicious queen but undoubtedly the.

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Again and again there must be something wrong with the sect and even a big problem otherwise yunlaizong had chi yuan s parents and a group of elder guardians around so why let chi yuan go back to deal with affairs it was.

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Knew in his heart that cang chen was deceiving him after all many people have been scammed once he smiled bitterly why do you all think I m lying to you how much do you expect from me oh what you said sounds strange who else.

Situation I will definitely be poisoned by the queen and it will be the kind of vicious poison that will make me unable to survive or die no matter how I explained it to her she didn t believe it she even said that she.

Something serious cang chen was silent for a moment and when he met zhang qian s why don t you speak look cang chen said bluntly I can t accept your words can he say that chi yuan was worried that duoduo would be bored and.

Different ways she will just think about it when she is free just treat her as a child and don t mind zhang qian glanced at cang chen meaningfully duoduo is just a child what do I care about with her although zhang qian didn.

Continued to ask he was just as ignorant as duoduo forget it wait for lu shi an to come back and cheat lu shi an I heard that people who devote themselves to studying a science have simple minds and they should be better.

Than zhang qian who is used to ghosts ghosts snakes ghosts and monsters you people are so foolish he concluded that nothing could be asked from zhang qian s mouth so he didn t force it you came to me specifically for.

Know that when duoduo first arrived at dali temple he often had headaches and even fainted xiaochi once took her to see doctor bai you know doctor bai he is quite famous in beijing yes zhang qian interrupted cang chen s.

Subconsciously but seeing cang chen s earnest expression without a trace of joking his heart also sank it s true cang chen said later we observed duoduo carefully and found that this child only looked happy when she was in.

Front of others when she was in the room by herself or in reading or in a daze she seems to be happy as her armor zhang qian s heart became heavier and heavier he couldn t think about it at that time hyperactivity must.

That duoduo felt a sense of belonging to dali temple but she was still unwilling to reveal her true inner thoughts and emotions she doesn t want us to worry or involve us zhang qian blinked so do you also think that duoduo.

Knows something maybe cang chen nodded lightly even if I m not sure I should also guessed for a moment cang chen didn t know whether he should be proud of duoduo for being so smart or regretful that he couldn t hide.

Protect them they are afraid that it won t be long before she has to stand at the forefront and face her offensive to the queen she has to grow up quickly zhang qian was very serious when he said this you can t protect her.

For a long time no one can escort duoduo all the way only she can grow up by herself in such a hurry cang chen probed with a half smile zhang qian pursed her lips and looked at cang chen dissatisfaction easily visible in her.

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Do this I am carrying on my father s legacy zhu jingyan said lightly after hearing this duoduo suddenly understood why they made such a fuss didn t they just want to test whether she knew her mother s identity me too duoduo.

That can make fried chicken that smells like rat medicine don t know because it is an undercover agent sent by the queen it wants to fundamentally dismantle dali temple many people quietly retracted their extended chopsticks.

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Knows a lot about saying that and I don t know whether to be happy or sad at this time chi yuan hastily finished all the affairs at hand and was about to leave for the capital li xiuyuan grabbed chi yuan who was about to.

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Master this a few days later we discovered that there was another group of people also staring at miss xu the disciples of the sect reported to chi yuanhui our people stared at each other and followed each other twice but.

Getting into the carriage she also noticed another carriage she looked at chen ye with doubt on her face chen ye looked up at the sky with a clear mind she stopped getting into the carriage turned around and ran towards.

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Very patiently my master s surname is not chi not chi duoduo sneered if the person in the carriage was not chi yuan her name will be written upside down in the future a lot of nonsense out unexpectedly chi yuan took out a.

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Results came out he realized that duoduo hadn t looked into the carriage at all there are only two possibilities she doesn t know that chi yuan is in the carriage or she has already determined that chi yuan is in the.

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Suffered a dull loss from a martial artist I really want to thank you so please invite me to wangshulou for a drink chen ye frowned he is the head catcher of dali temple and there is nothing he doesn t know about every.

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Possible later he has to talk to duoduo if this chiyuan is not good let s change to someone else there are so many good boys in this world there is no need for fei to be tied to chiyuan alone thinking of this chen ye.

Were shaking nervously and he was worried about duoduo s safety he wanted to pull duoduo into heart failure and weight loss the carriage but he didn t know how to face duoduo ah duoduo suddenly exclaimed a lot chi yuan unable to hold back any longer he.

Many people were looking at him with smiles she was smiling but anyone who heart failure and weight loss was not blind could see the anger in her eyes duoduo get in the car first and I ll explain to you later duoduo didn t want to have a conflict with.

Chi yuan at this critical juncture but a person who has always been calm even the villain who was able to plot against chi yuan just now now but there was no way to stay rational she tilted her head and asked chi yuan then.